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This is an exciting, innovative therapy against pain and restricted mobility now available in the UK and I am very happy to be one of the leading partners of the Matrix Rhythm Therapy (MRT).


MRT was developed by Dr Ulrich Randoll in 1990's based on the research carried out in Germany, and identified the   importance of the healthy cell rhythm for optimal logistics within the extracellular matrix (ECM). MRT focuses on restoring the natural rhythm of the living cell to 8-12 Hz.


Therapy activates the body's own natural vibrations and reaches deeper layers of tissue and thereby cells are restored to their natural state of vibrations. These vibrations harmonise our musculoskeletal system and promote the healthy exchange of materials and energy in the body. It is all about logistics.


Disturbances in this rhythmical process can lead to a breakdown in cell logistics. Matrix Rhythm Therapy helps to re-establish extra cellular logistics that is removal of waste products and improve micro circulation of oxygenated blood. Relaxes muscle and enhance process of regeneration and healing.



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Matrix Rhythm Therapy is vitally important innovation in the efficient treatment and prevention of a wide variety of medical conditions, especially those connected with disturbances in microcirculation and including illness of the nervous and musculoskeletal system. It regulates the rhythm of cells which is the basic necessity for its function.


Several therapy methods work with rigidly fixed frequencies which may relax fascia and muscles temporarily without having effect on cell rhythm. Matrix Rhythm Therapy is a biological solution works in the physiological frequency of cells to reorganise the rhythm of cells. It reaches deeper and stimulates the natural rhythm of the musculature. As a result, the natural tissue vibration is restored, and the logistics are optimised to heal from within.


This therapy is administered by a trained MRT therapist using the Matrixmobil ® device with a resonator to the affected area also taking into account the anatomical connections to release the tension/stiffness/pain/restricted mobility caused by many different disorders. 


  • Back Pain

  • Reduction of swelling

  • Postural deformity

  • Scars

  • Improvement of limited joint mobility

  • Palliation of acute or chronic pain

  • Migraine

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Spasticity

  • Arthritis

  • Frozen Shoulder

  • Quality of life improvement in the elderly

  • Lymphoedema (primary/secondary)

  • Failed back surgery syndrome

  • Muscle hardening and shortening

  • Nerve regeneration

  • Rheumatism

  • Tinnitus

  • Sleep disturbances

  • Diabetic foot ulcer

  • Rehabilitation after various injuries

The Matrixmobil ®

The Matrixmobil ® device applies mechanical and magnetic vibrations at the body’s own characteristic micro-vibrations. Matrix Rhythm Therapy enables the therapist to treat the deepest layers of tissue in a directed, specific and gentle way. The device allows for a pain-free mode of treatment and obtains quicker and better results than the use of hands only. The resonator is made of hypoallergenic material and is very comfortable on the skin. The Matrixmobil ® is totally portable so the device doesn't need a dedicated clinic room. It can be taken along and used to treat patients in their home. The Matrixmobil ® is a sturdy high-end device that is constructed from Stainless Steel & Titanium for long-term professional use. For the treatment of patients with cardiac pacemakers, there is a different resonator without magnets.    


Matrix Rhythm Therapy can be used for yourself and your family members for relief from everyday aches and pains. First of all, a whole day seminar to get introduced to the basic principles of the therapy and how to apply it in practice is needed.


Inventus IT can provide the required arrangements for purchasing and training of the Matrixmobil ® device and a professional initial consultation prior to implementing the Matrix Rhythm Treatment. 


For more information please contact me. Further info can also be obtained by visiting Matrix Rhythm Therapy UK website


  • Certified Class IIa medical equipment that dynamically regulates the frequency with amplitude according to tissue characteristics

  • Biological solution that works in physiological frequency of cells

  • Amplitude modulation of the device ensures that the therapy remains in the physiological window during the entire session

  • Medical equipment with self-regulating frequency

  • Non-invasive therapy to restore rhythm of cells and muscles

  • Simple to apply, gentle on the patient, kind to the therapist and soft feeling on the tissue

  • Most safe and effective therapy method with no harmful side effects

  • Unlike medicines Matrix Rhythm Therapy does not create dependency or habit

  • Safe therapy ensures that the healthy tissue remains healthy while pathological tissue readapts to physiology

  • Portable, handy device for use at indoor and outdoor field

  • Rhythmic oscillations of the therapy help the therapist to treat the area of the body those are difficult to be treated by any other equipment.

  • Ergonomic design and light weight applicator comfort therapists for long day application

  • Systemic and holistic medicine for the patients

  • Painless and relaxes the body in general. The relief is usually evident right after the treatment session and should be considered complementary to massage and physiotherapy

  • Matrix Rhythm Therapy has also proved to be useful in sports – not only in cases of injuries or other acute conditions, but also for prevention and training


Matrix Rhythm Therapy

Matrix Rhythm Therapy

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My treatment room is wonderfully tranquil and quiet. It is the ideal environment for receiving Matrix Rhythm Therapy. It is also possible for clients to find a nearby parking space.


I am based in Northwich, Cheshire and am fully qualified and insured.


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