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The Role of Matrix Rhythm Therapy in Frozen Shoulder With Respect to ROM and Pain

Didem Uruk

A study was carried out with 10 male participants who were diagnosed with frozen shoulder and were between the age group of 40-60 years in India. The participants who had diabetes mellitus, post operated cases at shoulder and allergic skin conditions were excluded. This study was a pre post experimental trial. The subjects were included in the study on the basis of convenience sampling.

Person with shoulder pain before Matrix Rhythm Therapy

Outcome measures used were the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) for pain and joint Range of Motion (ROM) was assessed using a universal goniometer. VAS and Joint ROM were assessed pre-treatment and immediately after the first session. The results showed that there was significant statistical improvement in VAS and joint ROM of the frozen shoulder when treated with Matrix Rhythm Therapy.

The area to be treated around the deltoid, pectorals, trapezius, scapula pectorals and axilla was exposed, and powder was applied over it in order to avoid the friction caused by the Matrix Rhythm Therapy (MaRhyThe) probe. The application of MaRhyThe was longitudinal stroking by pushing the probe of the device into the soft tissues. The application was over entire muscle length including shoulder joint line, axilla and scapula and each session lasted for 60 to 75 mins.

The results of this study indicated that Matrix Rhythm Therapy performed into joint resistance, when compared with a conventional treatment, is effective in increasing the range of shoulder movement.

matrix rhythm data chart

Matrix Rhythm Therapy allows the cell metabolism of the tissue to be reactivated with depth-effective rhythmical micro-extensions and the contracted areas of the musculature will be inductively relaxed (circulation > oxygen > ATP > dissolution of the tension). Matrix Rhythm Therapy helps in releasing the blocked neuromuscular processes, rebalances the cellular micro-processes upon which cell regeneration and cellular healing depend.

MaRhyThe is known to promote the normal physiologic logistics at the inter and extracellular level by maintaining the normal pH of the tissues by micro mobilisation using the applicator.

There are proven evidences that promote improved micro circulation within the tissues which gives the basis of enhanced removal of metabolic waste products, reduction in oedema and improving extensibility of soft tissues. MaRhyThe has showed positive results in term of muscle relaxation and lightness in the treated part.

The MaRhyThe shows greater and faster positive results in gaining affected ROM of shoulder joint and subsequently reducing 30% of pain in frozen shoulder patients and increased shoulder ROM with just one session of treatment setting which is not seen in other conventional modalities.

Matrix-Rhythm-Therapy utilises the entrainment effect to optimise body performance and tissue regeneration in chronic diseases.


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