Ageing of a population is a great matter of concern for the global health sector. Slowing down process leads to chronic impairments like reduced mobility, imbalance, risk of trauma, insomnia, anorexia and depression.

A pilot study was carried out to bring about the relaxation by reducing sympathetic load and to improve muscle tone, muscle elasticity, reduce oedema and stiffness, Matrix Rhythm Therapy was applied to the targeted muscles and para spinal muscles once a week for 60 minutes for four weeks.
Pranayama and Savasana were practiced every day for 30 minutes, twice a day for four weeks.
“Pranayama”- "Control of Breath", a complete lifestyle that promotes holistic health. Prana is the vital component that sustains life.
“Savasana” - sensory stimulation and external distractions are ultimately minimised to help the body completely relax. ... In addition, savasana is known as a great way to calm the mind, reduce stress and fatigue, lower blood pressure, relieve headache pain, and improve sleep.
Rhythmic oscillations of matrix rhythm therapy helped to induce relaxation by reducing sympathetic load when applied on para spinal muscles and targeted muscles. Subjects experienced reduction in the anxiety, improved water intake, reduced constipation and improvement in appetite, reduction in oedema.
Significant reduction in joint pain and improved sleep was also experienced by the subjects. Balance coordination and improved stamina in daily activities was seen.
Even though the origins of these two methods are naturally very different, Matrix Rhythm Therapy has very much in common with Yoga. They share common principles.
Both place self-healing in the centre of their therapeutic attention.
Both emphasise the holistic nature, the unity of the living organism in accordance with joining, to unite.
Both emphasise the balanced state as key to the health of an organism.
Both emphasise rhythms and vibrations.
Both emphasise that the concept of energy flow.
Matrix Rhythm Therapy is based on the discovery that the energy supply to cells depends on the quality of micro-vibrations which constitute a kind of breathing on the level of cells and tissues and which are directly connected with the turnover of ATP, the main energy carrier in the human organism. Though Matrix Rhythm Therapy the coherence of these micro-vibrations is restored and improved. We could say that Matrix Rhythm Therapy is a kind of “pranayama” for the cells.
Eliminating blockages and restoring the elasticity of tissue are central goals of Yoga. In Matrix Rhythm Therapy, the goal is exactly to obtain a reset of the neuromuscular system by restoring the logistics of the cells. The micro- vibrations upon which the energy supply of tissue depends, are reactivated via the principle of entrainment by synchronisation with a signal applied from the outside.
Both therapy methods aim at a harmonic dynamic state.
As a conclusion(s), ageing process in human beings can be considered as derailment of normal healthy process can be seen as loss of rhythm systemically and microscopically at the cellular level.
Matrix Rhythm Therapy along with Yoga helps to bring about relaxation, re-polarisation and re-establish metabolic activities at cellular level to improve the quality of life in geriatric population.